SWEET FATE — Laurelin Paige

Sweet FATE (Dirty Sweet #2)

Smart, gorgeously written romance.

— Renee, Reviewer

Dylan Locke knows that pining over the young ingenue Audrey Lind is pointless.

He can’t offer her what she wants.

He definitely can’t give her what she needs.

Thank goodness she’s half a world away, and he doesn’t have to deal with his attraction head on.

But fate has other plans for him, and when Audrey once again lands in his path, it’s only too easy to fall back into their easy rhythm. And then their easy banter. And of course, each other’s arms.

He tells himself nothing has changed. She still wants forever, and he still thinks tomorrow is long enough.

But watching her search isn’t as easy as he thought it would be, and now Dylan must figure out if he’s really the love Scrooge he professes to be or if he’s been Fate’s willing victim all along.

A well-deserved 5 STARS to one of my most FAVORITE FICTIONAL COUPLES EVERRRRR.
— Anj, Hiding Behind Books Blog


“Wonderful, breathtaking, sexy hot - older man/younger woman read. Dylan and Audrey…swooning. Laurelin writes sexy alphas w/strong heroines like none other.”
- Wickedly Sweet & Synful Book Blog Synclare Moss

“I honestly wish I could give this book more stars like it deserves. This was one explosive ending to an even more explosive duet.” - Kayla, Reviewer

“Wonderful characters, sizzling chemistry and a story that will captivate you from the first line.” - Jackie Wright, Reviewer

“Super hot angsty read … Great characters in a brilliantly plotted duet … Smart, gorgeously written romance.” - Renee, Reviewer

“This book...was so immensely satisfying. From the moment I finished Sweet Liar I wanted this book-and I wanted this book exactly as it is written.” - Melissa, Reviewer

“I love Laurelin Paige's writing, you never know if you will get heartbreaking, sweet, tender, dirty, hot or the world's worst cliffhangers but one thing you do know for sure it's going to be one unforgettable read.” - Kelly, Word We Love By

“Sweet Fate was a sexy, sweet, entertaining, and PERFECT conclusion to the Dirty Sweet Duet, and I absolutely loved it!” - Julia, The Romance Bibliophile


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